Gabriella Pravettoni was born in Milan in 1967, and for several years she has been working in the field of decision making processes and health psychology. She carries out her professional activity at the University of Milan, where she is full professor of psychology of decision making, and at the European Institute of Oncology where she is director of the Psycho-Oncology Division, and she is mainly dedicated, both in clinical practice and in scientific activity, to the field of medical humanity especially as it pertains to empowerment, a process which aims to empower the patient’s personal psycho-social resources in the management of illness and personal care pathway, acting on different levels: patient, family, physician, and society.
These are the themes upon which Professor Pravettoni‘s team is focused and they are also the subject-matter of the international research projects in which the team is involved in a multidisciplinary collaboration with other European centres of excellence. Professor Pravettoni is aware that as the old paternalistic pattern has faded, the time has now come for a radical change in the relationship between physician and patient. This is why a new training model is called for, so she brought to the University of Milan the Chair of Humanity, the first in Italy, to accompany students from the first years of their university studies through to their chosen specialization. In this way the skills of listening and relating to patients in an existential, emotional and social dimension, may become thoroughly developed in those involved in the process of care. Ever-attentive to informational aspects regarding what she considers ‘a cultural struggle’, in defense of sick people and their family, Gabriella Pravettoni has dedicated to her patients the book she wrote with Umberto Veronesi in 2015 and published by Mondadori: “Senza Paura. Vincere il Tumore con la medicina della Persona” (Fearless, overcoming cancer through the medicine of the person).


No time like ours has so much knowledge of “what is man” but no other age has known so little about “who is man”

Martin Heidegger

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