International forum on Cancer Patient Empowerment – May 16th – 17th, 2017 Milan

International forum on Cancer Patient Empowerment – May 16th – 17th, 2017 Milan

The Forum is the annual international event on new patient rights in clinical decision-making and public health policies in the age of personalized oncology.

The Forum will voice the role of advocacy groups in defining new ways of cooperation between doctors and patients as well as in fostering the reform of national health systems and regulatory frameworks.

The Forum will be multidisciplinary and multidimensional, involving patient advocates, health professionals, policymakers, lawmakers, regulators, international organizations, governmental bodies and bio-pharmaceutical companies.

The Forum shall contribute to the international dialogue on the human right to optimal standards of health, as indicated by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, within the framework of the EU Joint Actions on Cancer Control – CanCon 2014-2017, the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) and the new EU Joint Action on Rare Cancers.

The Forum will adopt concrete actions addressing international policy issues.

The event is organized by Università degli Studi di Milano in cooperation with Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.

Programma Forum

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